and scaling your own bookselling web application. Learn from author Jon
database interactions for .NET applications. \n \nSummary \nEntity Framework
write database code in pure C#. It automatically maps classes to database
databases with EF Core. Revised from the bestselling original edition, it’s
filled with over 100 diagrams, code snippets, and examples—including building
Tableau your data!: fast and easy visual analysis with tableau software, daniel g. murray
Smith’s extensive experience working with EF Core in production, as you
discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance
tuning, and unit testing. All of the book’s code is available on GitHub. \n
\nAbout the technology \nEntity Framework radically simplifies data access in
.NET applications. This easy-to-use object-relational mapper (ORM) lets you
Timss 2007 assessment framework
можливо по посиланню,
so you don’t have to! \n \nAbout the book \nEntity Framework Core in Action,
applications. This easy-to-use object-relational mapper ORM lets you .NET
applications. Following relevant examples from author Jon Smith’s extensive
experience, you’ll progress quickly from EF basics to advanced techniques. In
addition to the latest EF features, this book addresses performance, security,
refactoring, and unit testing. This updated edition also contains new material
on NoSQL databases. \n \nWhat's inside \n \nConfigure EF to define every table
and column \nUpdate your schema as your app grows \nIntegrating EF with
existing C# application \nWrite and test business logic for database access
\nApplying a Domain-Driven Design to EF Core \nGetting the best performance
out of EF Core \n \nAbout the reader \nFor .NET developers familiar with
relational databases. \n \nAbout the author \nJon P. Smith is a freelance
software developer and architect with a special focus on .NET and Azure.
Також купити книгу Entity Framework Core in Action, 2nd Edition, Jon P Smith
experience, youll progress quickly from EF basics to advanced techniques. In: