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Introduction to black sea ecology zaitsev экология моря зайцев

1550 грн

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Author Zaitsev, Yuvenaly

The Black Sea is an inland sea surrounded by land except for the narrow Strait of Bosporus connecting it to the Mediterranean. The huge catchment area of the Black Sea receives annually about 400 ктУ of fresh water from large European and Asian rivers (e.g. Danube, Dnieper, Yeshil Irmak). This, combined with the shallowness of Bosporus makes the Black Sea to a considerable degree a stagnant marine water body wherein the dissolved oxygen disappears at a depth of about 200 m while hydrogen sulphide is present at all greater depths. Since the 1970s, the Black Sea has been seriously damaged as a result of pollution and other man-made factors and was studied by different specialists. There are, of course, many excellent works dealing with individual aspects of the Black Sea biology and ecology. This book is not an facsimile or supplement to these works, still as it seems to be necessary, I have tried to present an overall view of these aspects. Based on published and unpublished data, the information about habitat and biological diversity in the sea is systematized. Relations of species, populations and communities with their marine environment are illustrated by numerous examples. Special attention is drawn to the aquatic birds, which are among the less investigated elements of marine ecosystem. Consequences of diverse human activities in the sea and in the drainage basin to marine ecosystem are analysed and possible ways of protection are discussed. The text is illustrated by colour pictures and photographs. Besides tables and figures, there is a list of References, Glossary of special terms and a Chronological list of major events and contributions to the Black Sea ecology. The book is intended for ecologists, biologists and other specialists who are interested in marine ecology as well as for students and young naturalists.

Pages 228pp.

Publisher or University Smil Edition and Publishing Agency ltd

Джудіт макнот благословення небес
Зайців Ю.П., Yuvenaly Zaitsev
академік НАН України, Інститут морської біологіі НАН України

Introduction to the Black Sea Ecology

Date 2008

Стан: Ідеальний
  • Різнокольоровий
  • Onesize

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