Tableau your data!: fast and easy visual analysis with tableau software, daniel g. murray
the demands of today's data-driven cloud applications. In this hands-on guide,
The definitive guide to dax, marco russoalberto ferrari
data architecture. If youre familiar with distributed systems, youll quickly
delivery for end users while remaining indestructible. Teams will also learn
how to migrate existing applications to CockroachDB's performant, cloud native
data architecture. If you're familiar with distributed systems, you'll quickly
The definitive guide to dax, marco russoalberto ferrari
The definitive guide to dax, marco russoalberto ferrari
distributed end users. You'll learn how to:
- Design and build applications for distributed infrastructure, including data modeling and schema design
- Tableau your data!: fast and easy visual analysis with tableau software, daniel g. murray
- Read and write data and run ACID transactions across distributed infrastructure
- Plan a CockroachDB deployment for resiliency across single region and multi-region clusters
- Secure, monitor, and optimize your CockroachDB deployment
Також купити книгу CockroachDB: The Definitive Guide: Distributed Data at
Scale, Guy Harrison, Jesse Seldess, Ben Darnell можливо по посиланню: